SIPTU has called for a review of the conduct of investigations and the use of administrative leave by the management of the St. Anne’s Centre for people with intellectual disabilities, Roscrea, County Tipperary. The call follows the completion of a final report into allegations against eight care assistants at the facility that fully exonerated the workers of any misconduct and cleared them to return to work.SIPTU Organiser, Mark Lohan, said: “Allegations against eight SIPTU Care Assistant members at the St. Anne’s Centre have been found to be without merit and as a result they are now preparing to return to work after eight months of administrative leave.“It is a considerable relief to the SIPTU members affected, who comprise seven full-time members of staff and one agency worker, to have their names cleared and their good reputations restored. However, it has been a very difficult and traumatic eight months for these workers from the beginning of this investigation process until its conclusion. The allegations and related media coverage placed exceptional stress on them and their families.”He added: “We have written to the management of the St. Anne’s Centre asking that it review the use of administrative leave in such circumstances. Management has also been asked to examine its policy on commissioning and executing ‘Trust in Care’ investigations, with a view to ensuring they are conducted in as reasonable a time as possible.“SIPTU representatives will be meeting with the management of the St Anne’s Centre at the earliest opportunity to discuss these issues and ensure the necessary improvements are implemented.”
SIPTU calls for review of investigation procedures at St. Anne’s Centre in Tipperary
Aug 10, 2015 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2015