SIPTU has called for the 400 job cuts announced by RTÉ management as part of its 'New Direction for RTÉ' to be reversed. "We are calling for the reversal of the 400 job cuts announced today," SIPTU Divisional Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said, "and for RTÉ to engage with trade unions to find a new approach which defends jobs, working conditions and quality public service broadcasting." The intervention, made at the union's Biennial Delegate Conference in Galway, followed an emergency motion which described RTÉ's move as a "slash and burn" approach. "The 'New Direction' amounts to a cost-cutting, outsourcing agenda underpinned by the slashing of jobs that the trade union movement cannot and will not stand for," the motion said."The release of this plan has strengthened our members' resolve to fight against the 'slash and burn' policies being pursued by RTÉ management."Once again, ordinary workers are expected to carry the can for poor governance and gross mismanagement by a handful people who have walked away with big handouts."