SIPTU members have expressed their solidarity with the victims of the vicious attack on Parnell Square in Dublin yesterday and, in particular, of the young girl and childcare worker who were so badly injured. SIPTU Deputy General Secretary, John King also commended the extraordinary courage and commitment of first responders on what he described as a dark day and night for Dublin. He said: “Our thoughts are with the victims and all those hurt in yesterday’s horrific attack. It was truly a dark day and night for Dublin and for all those who call our capital home. Our members in the Dublin Fire Brigade and the National Ambulance Service responded rapidly to the incident on Parnell Square after courageous actions by those who intervened to halt the attack and detain the suspect until the Garda arrived. “It is clear that organised elements of the far right spread disinformation and organised attacks on the gardai at the scene. This led to a night of rioting, looting and destruction involving hundreds of people including threats to public transport, health and fire service workers and with buses and a tram set on fire as well as garda vehicles.” “The rioters and the people who orchestrated the events that unfolded in Dublin do not represent the people of the city. Those who were abused while at work in shops, bars, restaurants and in retail and delivery services as well as those providing essential public services do.” SIPTU Local Authorities Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “The clean-up operation is now well under way by our members in Dublin City Council to restore our city, and our thanks and appreciation go out to them.” SIPTU Deputy General Secretary, Ethel Buckley said: “As a trade union, we stand with the people and workers who build our communities, not those who seek to tear them apart and sow division. The far right has been organising on the streets, online and in the communities for a number of years and have sought to turn a housing and cost of living crisis against migrants and others. Unless these challenges and growing inequalities are tackled urgently, the far right will use them as an opportunity to spread hate. “We will continue to work with those fighting deprivation in communities across the Dublin city and the country and for decent jobs, affordable and social housing and properly resourced public services. “We are calling on the people of Dublin to stand up against this growing threat from the far right. We are also calling on union members across the city to join in solidarity with the ICTU event at the GPO at 1.00 p.m. on Monday, 27th November.”
SIPTU calls for solidarity with victims of Dublin attack and against far right violence
Nov 24, 2023 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2023