SIPTU Health representatives have today (Tuesday, 30th May) called on the Government to implement the findings of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Health Care Report which outlines a sustainable plan to radically reform the delivery of public health care in Ireland. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “SIPTU Health representatives would like to commend the time and hard work put into this important report by members of the Oireachtas. These public representatives made a genuine attempt to leave political differences at the door of the Committee, and carve out a consensus regarding a long-term vision for health care and health policy in Ireland. “Such a report is long over-due. The ball is now in the Government’s court and it must now get on with the job of funding and planning for the recruitment of the additional staff required to deliver these radical reform proposals. Implementation of these reforms will put accessibility, equity and the timely provision of health care at the heart of services which will prioritise patient need over ability to pay.” Bell added: “The Report also provides a roadmap that should give confidence concerning the long-term future of public health care in Ireland to health professionals living abroad, to come and work here, and to those currently working in and using the health service.”
SIPTU calls on Government to seize the opportunity to reform health care in Ireland
May 30, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017