SIPTU has called on the management of the Old Darnley Lodge, Athboy, Co. Meath, to meet with staff to discuss their concerns after the sudden closure of the hotel on Wednesday, 16th January. SIPTU Organiser, Martin Mannion, said: “Our members working in the Old Darnley Lodge are extremely concerned about their future employment. The manner in which the management of the hotel, Mitrespor, has treated the workers is completely unacceptable. SIPTU is calling upon Mitrespor to meet with the hotel staff to discuss all outstanding issues.”A SIPTU representative met with staff and the hotel’s receiver, on whose behalf Mitrespor were managing the premises, this morning (Thursday, 17th January) to discuss the situation. Further meetings with staff and the receiver are scheduled to take place tomorrow morning (Friday, 18th January)The hotel employs around 15 full-time and 30 part-time and casual staff, the majority of whom are SIPTU members.Staff were told by management on Wednesday night that the hotel was closing and will be handed back to the receiver.