SIPTU representatives have called on the management of the Respond Housing Association to attend a meeting of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to discuss proposed redundancies at the company. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Eddie Mullins, said: “In May, management wrote to nine employees informing them that their jobs were at risk of redundancy, arising from a restructuring within the company. These workers were told that although their current positions would cease to exist they could apply ‘for a post in the new structure at their level or a level below’. “During the same restructuring process several other workers did not have to apply for new roles but were seamlessly transferred into positions with largely corresponding terms and conditions. “SIPTU representatives have tried to engage with the management of the company to discuss the restructuring process and its consequences for our members. We have also requested that the WRC intervene in this dispute but the company has refused to engage with it or the union. During the same period our members affected by this dispute have tried to get answers from the company concerning their situation but have been completely ignored.” He added: “This is a completely unacceptable manner in which to treat workers. All businesses operating in Ireland should respect and be willing to engage with the industrial relations mechanisms of the State. It is completely unacceptable that a company which is focused on assisting those in housing needs has refused to treat its workers in a fair manner. “We are calling on the management of this company and those involved in its funding to reconsider its current approach to this dispute and immediately engage with its workers’ representatives on the issues of concern.”
SIPTU calls on Respond Housing Association to attend WRC to discuss redundancies
Aug 13, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018