SIPTU has called on Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross, to end his focus on publicity stunts, such as his latest claim to be interested in solving the confrontation between North Korea and the US and instead focus on ending the crisis in Irish Rail. SIPTU TEAC Division Organiser, Greg Ennis, said: “Although it is hard to subdue a wry simile at the thought of Shane Ross attempting to broker a deal to end the nuclear stand-off between the US and North Korea, this Minister’s failure to accept his responsibilities to the transport sector is no laughing matter. On the night before the 24-hour stoppage by Irish Rail workers on Wednesday (1st November), the Minister tweeted his views on a Manchester United game. This could only be interpreted by our members and the travelling public as a calculated insult. He added: “Our members message to Shane Ross is clear. Put away the beginners guide to international diplomacy and get on with your job of ensuring Ireland has a functioning transport system. It is time for the Minister for Transport to accept his responsibilities and initiate a process involving all the stakeholders to ensure that the crisis in Irish Rail is speedily resolved.”
SIPTU calls on Ross to end publicity stunts and focus on the future of Irish Rail
Nov 3, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017