A levy on transport companies should be considered in order to fund a dedicated police unit to deal with increasing incidents of anti-social behaviour on our bus and rail networks, the SIPTU Transport, Energy, Aviation and Construction (TEAC) Division Biennial Delegate Conference was told today (Saturday, 24th November) in Liberty Hall, Dublin 1. SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Murphy, said: “Our members who work in the transport sector are facing an ever increasing volume of incidents of anti-social behaviour, which in several cases has resulted in fear and injury for workers and passengers. SIPTU members in the sector have made repeated calls for the establishment of a dedicated transport police unit within the An Garda Síochána to help deal with this situation. “Currently some private transport operators have a contractual obligation to provide security on their services. However, such private security operations are no substitute for trained Gardaí, with the power to arrest and formally caution individuals, backed by the wider policing service.” He added: “Earlier this year, insurance companies agreed to the implementation of a levy to fund a new Garda unit that will be dedicated to investigating insurance fraud. Such an approach may have to be considered in relation to the transport sector. The current position of there not being a dedicated transport police unit is not sustainable due to the level of threat faced by members of our union and the general public because of anti-social behaviour.”
SIPTU Conference hears call for consideration of levy to fund transport police unit
Nov 26, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018