SIPTU has contacted the provisional liquidator of Charleville Credit Union, Charleville, County Cork, seeking a commitment that all entitlements due to its members will be promptly paid following the granting of a High Court application to wind up the financial institution on Friday (13th October). SIPTU Organiser, Paula O’Loughlin, said: “We have contacted the provisional liquidator of Charleville Credit Union to seek a commitment that all entitlements due to our members, including redundancy payments, are paid as expeditiously as possible. This follows the loss of their jobs at the credit union after the High Court granted an application by the Central Bank to wind it up on Friday, 13th October. “The staff were advised on Friday morning that the credit union would cease trading and that liquidators BDO Limited had been appointed. This follows a period of great uncertainty for the staff who have lost their jobs as a result of the decisions and practices of others”. She added: “Charleville Credit Union had been serving the local community since its formation in 1963. Its closure in these circumstances is greatly regretted by a devastated workforce. SIPTU represents 12 members of staff at the Charleville Credit Union.”
SIPTU contacts Charleville Credit Union liquidator seeking payment for workers
Oct 18, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017