SIPTU has criticised the management of Irish Rail for its refusal to discuss past productivity increases by workers which led to the breakdown of talks between the company and unions at the Labour Relations Commission last night (Tuesday, 8th September). SIPTU Organiser, Paul Cullen, said: “Despite the best efforts of the LRC the company refused to engage in discussion on past productivity despite this being part of an agreement between trade unions and management in September 2014. “In this deal our members accepted cost containment measures with the company in return accepting that past productivity improvements would be discussed prior to any future agreement. The company has failed to live up to its commitment.”He added: “The confrontational attitude adopted by management during yesterday’s talks is part of a wider deterioration in its approach to industrial relations by Irish Rail.“SIPTU drivers in Irish Rail will be meeting next week to discuss our response to the breakdown of the LRC talks. If Irish Rail management maintains its current approach it makes industrial action by our members increasingly likely.”