A SIPTU delegation met the Minister for Sport, Shane Ross, this evening (Wednesday, 18th December) in Government Buildings in Dublin, to discuss the future of the FAI and the protection of the livelihoods of union members employed by the Association. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Denis Hynes, said: “The delegation which met with the Minister included SIPTU Organisers, SIPTU FAI Shop Stewards and the Professional Footballers Association of Ireland General Secretary, Stephen McGuinness.  At our meeting we relayed to the Minister, who was accompanied by Minister of State Brendan Griffin,  the concerns of the FAI staff and those involved in grassroots football across the country.  “We informed the Minister that morale among FAI staff is at an all-time low due to the impact of the current financial crisis and the mismanagement of the Association. The Minister informed the meeting that he expects a new FAI Chair and four new directors to be in place within days. He also said that he will be meeting with UEFA on 14thJanuary and agreed to meet with a SIPTU delegation the following day to discuss the situation again.  “The Minister agreed with the SIPTU delegation that there is a serious concern in the FAI over job security and its future financial viability.”  SIPTU Services Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said: “SIPTU is seriously concerned for the 200 staff working in the Association. It is vital that trust and accountability are rebuilt in the governance of football in Ireland after the debacle of mismanagement in recent years.”