SIPTU members employed by Kerry Agribusiness will begin a campaign of strike action at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 17th January, due to the company’s decision to impose compulsory redundancies. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Denis Gormalley, said: “Our members have reluctantly voted in favour of strike action after pursuing every other avenue open to them in their efforts to avoid compulsory redundancies of five drivers in the company.” “These workers sought a reasonable engagement with the company to avoid any compulsory redundancies and, as it has refused to enter discussions, will continue on a campaign of strike action.” SIPTU Industrial Organiser Sharon Ryan, added: “Our driver members have dedicated a lifetime of committed work to the company with service ranging from 29 to over 45 years and it is extremely regrettable that they now face compulsory redundancy. We urge the company to reverse its decision to make our members compulsorily redundant and to provide a window of opportunity to find a resolution to this dispute.” There are 100 SIPTU members in Kerry Agribusiness, which is part of the Kerry Group.  SIPTU members will place pickets at the headquarters of the Kerry Group, Prince’s Street, Tralee, county Kerry from 9.00 a.m. tomorrow.