Representatives of the SIPTU Louth District Committee are meeting with all local TDs to present them with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions budget proposals that are aimed at boosting growth in our economy and creating jobs. A delegation from the SIPTU Louth District Committee met with Minister of State, Fergus O’Dowd, on Friday, 13th September. Earlier in the month a meeting was also held with Louth Labour TD, Gerald Nash, and the constituency’s other three TDs have confirmed they will meet with the SIPTU Louth District Committee before the end of September.The SIPTU Louth District Committee delegation which met with Minister O’Dowd, who has responsibility for the for the NewEra Project of State investment, included chairperson Seamus Briscoe, vice-chairperson Kathleen Mc Kenny and joint secretary, Mickey Whelan.Seamie Briscoe said “It was a cordial meeting where the Minister listened to our views. We had a good discussion, with a sharing of ideas and varying points of views. The Minister committed to relaying our message to the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, and committed to communicating to the delegation the finance minister’s response.”The ICTU proposals include the Government implementing a fiscal consolidation of €2 billion, an investment stimulus of €4.5 billion over the next two years – financed in a manner that limits the cost to the taxpayer – and targeted tax increases for the highest earners.