SIPTU Meath District Council officers have today (Tuesday, 18th June) urged all local politicians to support the Protection of Employee Tips Bill. The call comes following an emergency meeting of the Meath District Council executive last night (Monday, 17th June). SIPTU Meath District Council secretary, John Regan, said: “Members of the executive are absolutely appalled by the tip theft that is happening across the country and county. This Bill allows a fairer and more transparent way of ensuring that workers get to keep to their hard-earned tips.” He added: “Members of the SIPTU Meath District Council will be contacting all the local politicians across the constituencies, including the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty, to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that we are fully behind the workers and expect them to vote in support of this Bill.”SIPTU Meath District Council chairperson, Anton McCabe, said: “This Bill enjoys cross-party support. However, Fine Gael opposition to this Bill is just another example of how out of step this government is with the lives of ordinary workers.  While very low-paid workers lose part of their earnings in the misappropriation of their tips, the Government is attempting to protect big business by introducing legislation which doesn’t outlaw such injustices.   He added: “It is clear to see where Government priorities lie. Members of the SIPTU Meath District Council are demanding that local TDs across Meath vote in support of workers.” The vote the Protection of Employee Tips Bill will take place on Thursday (20th June) at 1.00 p.m. in Dáil Éireann.