SIPTU members have called for the urgent recommencement of the process to establish an Employment Regulation Order (ERO) for the security industry, a sector in which most workers have not received a pay rise in nearly three years. SIPTU Contract Services Sector Organiser, Ed Kenny, said: “Our members in the contract security industry are extremely disappointed at the order of the High Court in relation to the draft ERO for the sector which was in response to a legal challenge “This legal challenge has resulted in yet further delays in pay rises for thousands of workers. It is now almost three years since these security workers received their last pay increase, a position which is neither fair nor sustainable, particularly during a time of soaring prices and inflation at their highest level in decades.  “The effect of the High Court order is that the ERO process has reverted back to the Labour Court. We trust that this process will commence as a matter of urgency.” SIPTU Contract Services Sector President, Christy Waters, said: “SIPTU members are disappointed at this delay, particularly given that many of them were on the frontline throughout the ongoing pandemic. Our members expect immediate and effective action to ensure they receive their long awaited and much deserved pay rise as well as the other improvements to their conditions of employment which are contained in the terms of the ERO.”