SIPTU members working in the Clonmel and Waterford branches of Iceland have today (Saturday, 26th August) reached an agreement with the examiner to fast-track their statutory redundancy payments and secure all outstanding monies owed to them. SIPTU member, Siobhan Delahunty, said: “We began our sit-in five days ago and have now reached a settlement. We are very happy with the resolution but, at the same time, we are sad to have lost our jobs.” SIPTU Wholesale, Retail, Distribution and Related Sector Industrial Organiser, Mark Flynn, said: “This agreement was reached with the examiner after several days of extensive negotiations. Our members made the decision to sit-in after they received just 30-minutes notice that the Waterford store would close on Tuesday.   “Our members took action to ensure that they received their statutory entitlements and all monies that were owed to them. This agreement achieves that. It will see all of their entitlements fast-tracked and paid within the next three weeks.” SIPTU Services Divisional Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said: “Eight years after the closure of Clerys, it is scandalous that workers are still treated with such disrespect by employers in situations like this. It is time for the government to act and implement the recommendations made by the 2016 Duffy Cahill report in full.”