SIPTU members in Dublin Bus and Irish Rail have pledged to display solidarity with their colleagues in Bus Éireann, who face massive reductions in their conditions of employment if management carries out threatened unilateral cuts on 20th February. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “A meeting took place today (Friday, 10th February) between SIPTU representatives of members in Irish Rail, Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann. At the meeting the clear consensus was that there is a strong commitment by SIPTU members across these companies to display solidarity with workers in Bus Eireann, whose conditions of employment are currently under vicious attack. “It was noted that in circumstances where management goes ahead and unilaterally introduces cuts to workers pay, terms and conditions on 20th February, that all our members in Bus Éireann, except for school bus drivers, will be in an indefinite strike from that date. It was also highlighted that the likelihood of the dispute spreading to school bus drivers, and the consequential adverse impact this would have to rural areas in particular, is increasing. He added: “Due to Dublin Bus not adhering to the settlement terms reached to resolve the recent dispute in that company our representatives are meeting on Monday (13th February) to finalise the arrangements for a strike ballot, which it appears will be overwhelmingly supported. A date for the commencement of that action, if that is indeed the decision of our members, will be set shortly afterwards. “The representatives of our members in Irish Rail and Dublin Bus have indicated that they are willing to take whatever appropriate actions are necessary to support their colleagues in Bus Eireann, as they all are members of CIE companies and have corresponding conditions of employment and work locations.”
SIPTU members in Dublin Bus and Irish Rail pledge solidarity with Bus Éireann workers
Feb 10, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017