SIPTU members at gas network infrastructure company, GMC Civil and Mechanical Engineering, will commence nationwide strike action next Wednesday (September 13th) following the company's failure to implement recommendations arising from an agreed industrial relations process. The recommendations on pay and conditions were issued at the end of May and agreed by both SIPTU and management. Regrettably, GMC Civil and Mechanical Engineering has subsequently reneged on its position and refused to implement the proposals. The company has also begun the process of outsourcing union members’ work.  SIPTU Organiser, Andrew McGuinness, said: "SIPTU members in GMC have not received a pay increase since 2019. Our members desperately need it, but the company is refusing to implement the reasonable proposals on pay which were agreed in May." SIPTU Public Administration and Community Division Organiser, Adrian Kane, said: "Our members overwhelmingly backed the decision for strike action by a margin of 97% because the company has done everything in its power to frustrate the resolution of this dispute. "The company’s unilateral decision to pursue outsourcing has only served to inflame matters. SIPTU members are determined that the proposals which have been agreed on pay are the only basis for the resolution of this dispute."