SIPTU members at the Kerry Group plants in Charleville, County Cork, have scheduled two 24-hour work stoppages next week (Monday, 6th February and Thursday, 9th February) in a dispute resulting from a management refusal to attend the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to discuss proposed changes to workers’ terms and conditions of employment. Workers at the food ingredient plants are currently conducting a 24-hour work stoppage which began at 7.00 a.m. today (Monday, 30th January). SIPTU Organiser, Terry Bryan, said: “The current 24-hour work stoppage will be followed by two more 24-hour stoppages next week. The dispute will likely further escalate in the coming weeks if management continue to refuse to to attend the WRC. “There is a collective agreement between the company and workers concerning dispute resolution which clearly states that should a matter remain unresolved between the parties it shall be referred to the appropriate third party body, in this case, the WRC.” He added: “The items that are in dispute include proposed changes to shift patterns and terms, job rotation and appointments. These matters were due before the Labour Court on 28th November 2016. However, management withdrew from that scheduled hearing and has now refused to attend a conciliation meeting at the WRC. “The further stoppages are avoidable if the company complies with its agreed dispute resolution procedures and attends the WRC.”
SIPTU members in Kerry Group to escalate dispute with two more work stoppages
Jan 30, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017