SIPTU members employed in Liebherr Container Cranes, Killarney, Co. Kerry, will ballot in early January on a Labour Court recommendation aimed at resolving a dispute at the company. SIPTU Organiser, Marie Kearney, said: “It is believed that the company has accepted the Labour Court recommendation issued on Friday, 6th December. All SIPTU members at the plant will meet in early January to discuss this recommendation. Following this a ballot will be conducted on its acceptance or rejection. The recommendation provides workers with a 2.5% pay increase which has been due to them since 2009. Under the terms of the recommendation the pay increase will be back dated 21 months.”She added: “The resolution to this dispute lies in negotiations between the workers and management conducted across a table not through the media. It is unacceptable that in recent days workers have had to endure threats to their livelihoods from management spokespeople asserting that their jobs will be moved abroad.“In order to address any misconceptions that may have emerged among the public, we wish to make clear that what is at the centre of this dispute is the failure of the company to respect a pay increase that should have been granted to workers five years ago. Also, the average hourly pay of skilled operatives working at the Liebherr plant is €15.43 which is below the average rate payable to similarly skilled workers.“We would encourage the media and management to respect the workers right to make a decision of the Labour Court recommendation free of threats. A negotiated resolution to this dispute is reached is in the best interests of all involved.”