SIPTU members providing elderly care services at the Sue Ryder Foundation residential complex in Carlow, county Carlow, will conduct a one-day work stoppage on Tuesday (18th February), from 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m., in a dispute concerning union recognition and several other workplace issues. SIPTU members will place a picket at the entrance to the Sue Ryder facility on the Dublin Road in Carlow for the duration of the work stoppage. SIPTU Organiser, Ger Malone, said: “Our members have for more than a year attempted to engage with management in order to resolve issues including rates of pay, unacceptable deductions and the lack of an effective grievance process. Management has repeatedly refused to deal with the issues or meet with the workers’ SIPTU representatives. “Following hearings at the Labour Court, which were attended by management and union representatives, a recommendation was issued which states that the company should recognise SIPTU for the purpose of collective bargaining. Management has to date ignored this recommendation.She added: “Our members deeply regret that they have been left with no alternative but to conduct industrial action in order to find a resolution to this dispute. This situation results from the intransigent stance adopted by management. It is unacceptable that a provider of services to vulnerable people would adopt such an approach which will result in distress to its clients and staff.“If management continue to refuse to engage with our members’ representatives in relation to their issues, they will be left with no alternative but to further escalate their industrial action.”