SIPTU members at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) have voted today (Tuesday 25th February), by an overwhelming majority of 88% to 12%, to enter into a binding resolution process aimed at securing a solution to a dispute of over pay inequality. The result will see management at the Institute and workers representatives enter negotiations on the outstanding issues at the Labour Court. Following these negotiations, the Labour Court will issue a binding resolution to the parties. SIPTU Organiser, Bill Mulcahy, said: “Our members believe the binding resolution process will allow for a fair and equitable settlement to this dispute which will reflect their professional standing. Since the start of this dispute all our members have requested is that their work is valued to the same extent as their colleagues in other sectors of UCC.” SIPTU Education Sector Organiser, Louise O’Reilly, said: “The dispute concerned the pay inequity which exists between a large number of Tyndall employees and their counterparts doing the same or similar work on UCC main campus. The difference in pay is of the order of 10% to 20%. The Labour Court process should allow for these anomalies to be rectified.” SIPTU represents over 70 workers at the research facility including researchers, engineers, administration, technical and IT staff. The workers undertook two one-day work stoppages earlier this year. A further one-day work stoppage scheduled to take place tomorrow, with pickets to be placed on UCC main campus, (Wednesday 26th February) has been suspended.
SIPTU members in Tyndall Institute/UCC vote to accept binding arbitration in dispute
Feb 25, 2014 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2014