SIPTU members employed to provide catering services at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) will commence a ballot this evening (Wednesday, 4th March), for strike action in a dispute over pay and conditions. SIPTU Organiser, Denis Hynes, said: “These workers have been left with no option but to ballot for strike action due to their employers refusal to engage with them in a meaningful manner to discuss their terms and conditions of employment.“The catering workers endured a 4% pay cut in 2010. Since then they have not received a pay rise. This issue was discussed with management at a meeting of the Labour Relations Commission but no agreement was reached.”He added: “The catering staff work for Campus Catering, a wholly owned subsidiary of WIT. It is the position of the management of Campus Catering that they do not have permission from the Board of WIT to attend the Labour Court to discuss the issues in dispute.”Over 60 SIPTU members employed by Campus Catering are eligible to participate in the ballot.