SIPTU members along with sister unions in local authorities across the North took part in a one day over pay today (10th July) over pay. The public service worker’s strike was a great show of solidarity and strength with SIPTU members engaging in vibrant pickets along with other unions, according to SIPTU Orgniser Niall McNally. “The actions in Belfast concluded with a charged rally at Grosvenor House where trade union activists sent a clear and unambiguous message to the political elite at Westminster and our own local assembly that further attacks on those that provide a public service will not be tolerated. There is further strike action planned for September. It was made clear at the rally by activists that this was not just a battle for public sector workers or sectional interests but in the interests of all working people against the rapacious intentions of an austerity driven government,” he said. Garrett O’Factna, a SIPTU activist in Belfast City Council stated: “The turn out reminds us of the strength and power we have when we choose to exercise it. Our members clean streets, clean the greens and open community centres but yet again we are being asked to pay the price for the profit hungry financiers and bankers greed. Today was the start of saying to those in power that enough is enough.” Since the Tory lead administration has come to power public sector workers have seen their pay reduced by as much as 20%. The one day strike of public service workers across Britain and Northern Ireland was called in response to an insulting offer of a 1% pay rise by the employers side of the Joint Industrial Council.