SIPTU members at the Glen Dimplex manufacturing plant in Newry, County Down, implemented a work stoppage today (Thursday, 1stSeptember), in a dispute at the company concerning pay. SIPTU Organiser, Denis Sheridan said: “Since 7.45 a.m. this morning the workers have implemented their second one-day work stoppage at the plant. This action results from the intransigent attitude shown by management to a claim for a reasonable pay rise. “As was the case with the first work stoppage, today’s action has received overwhelming support from the local community including elected representatives. Our members will return to work in the plant tomorrow morning but will maintain their ongoing work-to-rule campaign which includes a ban on overtime and call outs.” SIPTU Shop Steward, Alan Clark, said: “Our members have sought to find a negotiated solution to this dispute. Glen Dimplex is a profitable company and should accept its employees’ claim for a reasonable pay rise due to the crucial role they play in the company’s success. “SIPTU members at the plant will maintain our campaign of industrial action until we secure a pay rise that adequately rewards our efforts. SIPTU representatives remain available to engage in meaningful talks with management at any time.” Further work stoppages are scheduled for Monday, 12th September and Monday, 26th September. There are approximately 120 SIPTU members employed at the Glen Dimplex plant in Newry which has been in operation since 1973.