SIPTU members working in Bus Éireann are set to take strike action after the failure of management to present a competent and credible plan to union representatives at talks at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) today (Tuesday, 21st February). SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “Today, management indicated that because the financial situation is so critical that it needs to immediately take €12 million from our members’ pockets or the company will be insolvent by May 2017. “Despite the engagement over the last number of days, management has never actually put a plan to the trade unions which would achieve the savings sought without driving conditions of employment into the ground. This is totally unacceptable and would never be entertained by our members. “It is simply outrageous that the management of a semi-state company has sunk to the standards now on display at Bus Éireann. It is quite evident that the school bus drivers employed at Bus Éireann are now having their security of employment threatened so the necessary steps to ballot these members will now have to be taken.” He added: “If Bus Éireann tries to force through cuts our members will have no option but to take strike action to save their jobs and protect public transport services. It is well past the time that the Minister for Transport, Shane Ross, and other shareholders sat down around the table and accepted their responsibility to avert the destruction of our public transport service.”