SIPTU’s Education Sector Organiser, Karl Byrne, on behalf of its over 6000 members, has praised the action of the University and Colleges Union in Britain and in Northern Ireland in its efforts to protect the pension benefits of its members. Members of the University and Colleges Union (UCU) have taken strike action in recent days in order to prevent the discontinuation of existing pension benefits. The attack on university employees’ pension benefits in Britain and Northern Ireland is part of a wider attack across the university sector on terms and conditions of employment, where precarious and casual employment is all too common a phenomenon. The SIPTU Education sector is finalising arrangements for an important conference on precarious employment in the Irish third level system which will take place in late April in Liberty Hall.
SIPTU members support sister union in fight to defend pension rights for third level employees
Mar 8, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018