Letter from SIPTU General President to Hermes Herrera Hernandez, Ambassador of Cuba to the Republic of Ireland To: Hermes Herrera Hernandez Ambassador of Cuba to the Republic of Ireland Re: Comrade Fidel Castro Dear Hermes, On behalf of the National Executive Council of SIPTU I wish to extend our sincere condolences to all the Cuban people on the death of heroic Comrade Fidel Castro. Comrade Castro served as an inspiration for people everywhere who aspired to a better world based on equality and mutual interdependence. He and the achievements of the Cuban revolution provide a beacon of hope for the primacy of the higher human characteristics of human society over primal greed. His life epitomised the struggle for the realisation of a new and universally progressive level of development and resistance to all forms of oppression. As with all of humanity, we are diminished by his passing and mourn along with the Cuban people, but do so in confident optimism of the ultimate attainment of the egalitarian ideal. Yours in solidarity,Jack O ConnorGeneral PresidentSIPTULiberty HallDublin 1