The SIPTU National Executive Council (NEC) has endorsed the proposals by the Moore Street Preservation Trust for the protection of the 1916 battlefield site in Dublin city. SIPTU General Secretary, Joe Cunningham said: “On behalf of the National Executive Council of SIPTU, I pledge our support for the preservation and protection of the Moore Street battlefield site in its entirety and its development as a 1916 historic cultural quarter in the heart of our capital city. “The history of our union is intimately linked to this site. One of the signatories of the 1916 Proclamation, James Connolly, was Commandant General of the forces of the Irish Republic in Dublin and Acting General Secretary of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union (now SIPTU). “The Proclamation was printed in Liberty Hall from where members of the Irish Citizen Army marched with their comrades in the Irish Volunteers to seize the GPO and launch the Rising on Easter Monday, 1916. “Connolly was also one of the main architects of the Rising and the Proclamation, which asserted the equality of all our citizens, regardless of class, gender, ethnic identity or other differences as a fundamental principle of our democracy. “We support the Moore Street Preservation Trust Plan as the most fitting way to commemorate the men and women who fought for freedom and independence in 1916.”