SIPTU Nursing representatives held a meeting with senior management at the Health Service Executive (HSE), Department of Health and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, today (Monday, 23rd January), to discuss the recruitment and pay of nurses and midwives. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “We found our engagement with management both informative and productive. There was a robust exchange of views and management was left in no doubt of the determination of our nursing members to have issues concerning their pay and the recruitment and retention of staff resolved.” At the meeting, SIPTU nursing representatives reaffirmed that the union, as an affiliate of the ICTU Public Service Committee, will continue to forcefully make the case for pay restoration, pay progression and pay justice for its members. Bell added: “At the meeting we made it clear that it is our belief that the Public Service Pay Commission remains the best method for resolving the pay issue for nurses and other health workers. However, we will continue to engage with management and express our determination to achieve pay progression for our nursing members.” SIPTU Nursing Sector Organiser, Kevin Figgis, said: “The meeting was an opportunity to exchange views and position documents with management on issues which continue to impact on the working lives of our members and the public who depend on them. We have agreed to engage in further meetings and dialogue. There is the potential to make significant progress on all issues relating to recruitment, retention and pay of nursing and midwifery professionals.”
SIPTU nursing representatives meet management to discuss recruitment and pay
Jan 23, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017