SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor, has said that the national officers of the union will sanction industrial action if members in Dublin Bus ballot for it next week. SIPTU drivers in Dublin Bus are to ballot on whether to take strike action after they narrowly rejected the latest proposals on cost cutting measures in the company. “Strike action will be sanctioned if that is the democratic decision of the members,” Jack O’Connor said.In a statement to members at Dublin Bus yesterday, the SIPTU Traffic Committee said that although an earlier mandate for strike action is still valid it would be appropriate to reaffirm it “due to the changed and serious nature of the circumstances that are now in existence.” These circumstances include the narrow rejection of the recent proposals, the fact that the other union representing drivers in Dublin Bus has accepted the cost cutting measures and the requirement for maximum unity of drivers in any campaign against unilateral changes to their working conditions. The ballot on whether to take strike action in the event that Dublin Bus implements the cost cutting proposals will be held on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th, November.