A SIPTU proposal to extend the number and scope of apprenticeships would make a major contribution to ending the youth unemployment crisis, according to SIPTU Vice President Patricia King. In an interview on RTÉ Radio’s News at One on Monday (4th November), Patricia King, called for apprenticeships to be expanded to include the childcare, hospitality, green energy and administration sectors.“If you look at the models in Europe, say in Germany, Denmark or Finland, they operate a very effective system known as a dual system which includes workplace training and classroom training so that your classroom training is actually related to what you are doing in the workplace,” she said.SIPTU has called for the establishment of a similar dual system in its submission to the Department of Education-appointed Apprenticeship Review Group on Apprenticeship Training in Ireland.Patricia King said: “At the moment you have a fair number of schemes being rolled out by the Government that are taking people off the Live Register but are not in any shape or form developing young people into well trained, properly skilled jobs.“There is a plethora of education places out there and courses you can do but very few of them are actually linked into the workplace. This is about building a skilled workforce, this is about giving young people hope. Giving them a quality qualification they can be proud of. Not all young people are going to go through the third level system so other opportunities and avenues should be open to them.”On the funding of a new apprenticeship system Patricia King said: “The Youth Guarantee Scheme from Europe is opening up a €6 billion where member countries can apply. If the Government needs to develop a competent scheme so that it can apply and draw down some of this money then we’re strongly advocating that they take on board our proposals.”To hear Patricia King’s full interview click here.