In recent years, the cinema has closed on these days as management refused to honour the premium payments to which full-time staff are entitled, according to SIPTU Industrial Organiser, Graham Macken. “Following the decision to open this year, management has placed part-time staff on the rota to circumvent its obligations regarding pay. This is totally unacceptable and is a direct attack on the terms and conditions of employment of our members. The staff members involved would not be considered highly paid and to take this benefit away from them is a breach of agreement and undermines the relationship between management and staff,” Graham Macken said.
SIPTU representatives have condemned the decision by the management of the Savoy Cinema in Dublin to remove full-time staff members from the work rota following its decision to open the cinema today and on Good Friday.
Mar 29, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018