SIPTU has saluted Tesco members resolve and organisation in succeeding in forcing management today (Friday, 15th April) to begin improving its offer to long-term staff whose contracts the company wishes to change. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Teresa Hannick, said: “The announcement by Tesco, that it is now offering improved voluntary redundancy terms to long-term staff and that work which becomes available due to this scheme will be given to existing part time staff, is a step in the right direction. “That the company has also now accepted a SIPTU call to attend a conciliation meeting at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to discuss the other issues in dispute, which include an adequate package for those long-term staff who wish to continue in their posts, is welcomed even if it was a long time coming.” She added: “That the company has begun to move into a position of treating its workers with respect and negotiating any changes to their conditions of employment is completely due to the united front SIPTU members in the company have shown in recent weeks. “At the beginning of this week, SIPTU members served notice of industrial action on the company. This display of worker unity would seem to have concentrated the minds of the Tesco management team.”
SIPTU salutes Tesco members' success in forcing company to begin improving its offer
Apr 15, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016