SIPTU representatives have stated that a ‘Graduate Outcome Survey’ published by the Higher Education Authority, today (Monday, 18th February), has revealed the extent of low pay and precarious work facing newly qualified graduates in the Early Years sector. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Darragh O’Connor, said: “The extent of poverty pay in the Early Years sector, which is revealed by this survey, is shocking. It found that 43% of honours degree graduates in the sector earn less than €20,000 per year which is well below the Living Wage of €23,000. The survey also reveals that 35% of honours degree graduates are on precarious contracts. “The low pay and precarious contracts which graduates in the Early Years sector have to endure has led to a staffing crisis. Staff turnover is 25% per year and research consistently shows that this undermines the quality of the service provided to children. High staff turnover is also undermining the sustainability of services which struggle to recruit qualified educators.” He added: “The stated plan of the Government is to have a graduate led Early Years sector by 2028. However, unless low pay is addressed this important objective will not be achieved. Currently, Early Years educators earn on average just €11.18 per hour, with thousands working 15 hours each week and 38 weeks each year on precarious contracts. “Ultimately, the Government must step up and adequately invest in the Early Years sector. Ireland remains bottom of the class when it comes to state funding of childcare, leading to low pay for workers and high fees for parents.”
SIPTU says Graduate Outcome Survey reveals pay poverty in Early Years sector
Feb 18, 2019 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2019