SIPTU representatives have called for an increase in funding for the fire emergency service in conjunction with the €2.5 billion which is to be spent on addressing defects in houses in order to increase home safety. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “The announcement of €2.5 billion being made available to rectify defects in houses is a positive move by the Government that will ultimately contribute to the safety of the public and the workers who respond to fire emergencies. However, if we are serious about maximising home safety, this investment must be done in conjunction with ensuring we have a fully funded and resourced fire emergency service.” SIPTU Dublin Fire Brigade Chairperson, Mick Redmond, said: “This is a good investment for homeowners and tenants. However, we need to also see an increase in investment in Dublin Fire Brigade. The men and women of Dublin Fire Brigade remain the last, best line of defence for the people of Dublin in fire emergency situations. However, these men and women are unfortunately still struggling with the challenges posed by under staffing and this needs to be addressed.” Redmond added: “As the housing redress scheme will take a number of years to complete, it is important that the public knows the fire service is equipped to meet the risks posed by these defects, including proper resourcing to respond to emergencies and carry out risk assessments.” SIPTU Organiser, Geoff McEvoy, said: “We need the creation of a sustainable mechanism to ensure appropriate levels of resourcing for Dublin Fire Brigade and our other fire services into the future. Only by doing this will home owners and tenants be assured that an adequate level of attention is being focused on all aspects of home safety.”
SIPTU says investment in fire service and housing defect redress key to home safety
Jan 26, 2023 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2023