SIPTU organisers are seeking an urgent meeting with the management of construction company, SISK, to discuss issues raised by members working at the West Pharmaceutical Services site, Knockhouse, county Waterford. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Martin Meere, said: “In recent weeks our members working at the West Pharmaceutical Services site have raised a number of concerns with their SIPTU organisers. These include issues relating to rates of pay, the payment of wet time and overtime. Our organisers wish to meet the company to find a just resolution to these issues. “Disquiet among the workforce concerning these issues has led to unofficial action by workers at the site. This action is not authorised or supported by SIPTU. Unfortunately, it indicates the level of frustration evident among workers due to the intransigence shown by management to date in relation to resolving the issues in dispute.”
SIPTU seeks urgent meeting with SISK management to discuss West Pharma dispute
Jan 25, 2016 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2016