SIPTU members support the decision of Pfizer to continue production at its Little Island plant, county Cork, and provide continued job security for up to 160 workers. Staff at the facility were informed yesterday (Tuesday, 10th March) that the pharmaceutical manufacturer had reversed its decision to close the plant. Its closure had initially been announced in May 2013, with production scheduled to cease in September 2014. This closure date had been extended to the autumn 2015 before the decision was finally reversed. SIPTU Organiser Paul Depuis said: “Pfizer has determined that it is important to continue manufacturing the product, Atorvastatin, in Little Island. Management has acknowledged that staff at the Little Island site have continued to demonstrate the highest levels of performance, flexibility and commitment. “Credit is due to the SIPTU members and shop stewards at the plant for the commitment they have shown over the past two years. They have built a reputation for the facility through consistent performance levels and this was a key factor in reversing the Pfizer decision to close the plant.” He added: “The Little Island workers should take great pride and satisfaction in the fact that their contributions have given a platform to sustain and grow the plant into the future. In recent times it is highly unusual for a company to reverse a decision to close. It is testament to the level of partnership between workers and management at the Little Island plant that they have succeeded in achieving its continued operation.”