A SIPTU survey of workers in the childcare sector, released today (Monday, 20th July), has indicated that many have suffered significant pay cuts since returning to work last month following the closure of services due to the Covid-19 crisis SIPTU Head of Strategic Organising, Darragh O’Connor, said: “The SIPTU Early Years Professionals – Covid-19 Back to Work survey shows that since returning to work on 29th June that 29% indicated that they are earning less than they did before the pandemic. The survey also shows that 32% of workers intend to leave the sector within the next 12 months. “Even before the Covid-19 pandemic the childcare sector was in crisis. Most Early Years professionals earn below the Living Wage of €12.40 per hour. Poverty pay has resulted in an average staff turnover rate of 40% in full day care services, directly undermining quality for children and the sustainability. “Despite the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme covering up to 85% of staff wages, the Government is failing workers in the Early Years sector. SIPTU is calling on the Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Roderic O’Gorman, to reintroduce the Temporary Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme to ensure that childcare workers earn at least a wage in-line with their earnings prior to the Covid-19 crisis.” For the full Early Years Professionals – Covid-19 Back to Work results click here
SIPTU survey shows sharp drop in income for childcare workers since return to work
Jul 20, 2020 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2020