SIPTU representatives have today (Friday, 13th April) informed the management of the HSE that if it has not completed an audit of Section 39 organisations by May Day (Tuesday, 1st May) union members will reactivate a notice for strike action. The move follows a meeting, chaired by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, where representatives agreed to a HSE request to allow their officials two additional weeks to complete the audit of Section 39 organisations. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “Having received a partial audit of Section 39 organisations, which had been due to be completed by 31stMarch, we have taken the decision to accede to a request by the HSE to extend the time agreed to complete this critical work. “We have also alerted the Workplace Relations Commission, the HSE and the Department of Health that we are insisting that all the parties to the dispute re-engage on May Day.” He added: “We have informed the employer that if this vital audit is not completed, to our members complete satisfaction, by May Day, it will face the reactivation of their notice for strike action.”
SIPTU tells HSE to complete Section 39 audit or strike notice will be reactivated
Apr 13, 2018 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2018