SIPTU Health representatives will begin a ballot of support staff for strike action in selected hospitals on Monday, 23rd January, in a dispute concerning breaches of the national public service agreements and their exclusion from concessions provided to other emergency department workers. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “Our members are fully committed to winning fair and equal treatment in the workplace. The failure of the HSE and Department of Health to resolve our concerns has put our members in an intolerable and inequitable situation. “These issues include a failure by management to adhere to the fully binding provisions of the Lansdowne Road Agreement and Haddington Road Agreement. The most crucial elements that have not been adhered to include the reintroduction of a job evaluation scheme and the application of incremental credit to interns. “The other central issue in this dispute involves the granting of concessions by the HSE and the Department of Health to nurses working in emergency departments which have not been extended to other workers.” He added: “After 15 months of engagement with management on the issues in dispute, our members believe enough is enough and they have been left with no option but to take action if they are to achieve justice from the employer. “The balloting process will commence on the 23rd January with the result scheduled to be announced on Monday, 13th February. This means there is still enough time for the HSE and Department of Health to address all the outstanding issues of concern for our members.”
SIPTU to ballot support staff for strike action in selected hospitals from Monday
Jan 20, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017