SIPTU has described the management of GMC Civil and Mechanical Engineering as "not serious" about finding a resolution to their industrial dispute. The remarks came after talks at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) last night failed to resolve the dispute between the union and the Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) contractor. Following a meeting of the SIPTU strike committee, pickets will now be placed at GMC depots across the country. In a further escalation of the dispute, SIPTU representatives will be meeting with shop stewards in Gas Networks Ireland on Friday morning to agree supportive action. SIPTU Divisional Organiser, Adrian Kane, said: "The company is not serious in its intent to resolve this dispute. Union representatives are totally frustrated at the approach of the company after 3 days of talks. "SIPTU will also be seeking an urgent meeting with Gas Networks Ireland. Ultimately, GNI must take responsibility for the conduct of its principal contractor. "SIPTU Organiser, Andrew McGuinness, said: "This dispute has brought the broken outsourcing model into sharp focus. SIPTU will be insisting on the insourcing of work in its meeting with GNI."