SIPTU representatives will meet with senior management of the Bose Corporation on Thursday (28th January) to discuss the threatened closure of the audio systems manufacturer’s plant in Carrickmacross, County Monaghan. SIPTU Organiser, Jim McVeigh, said: “Senior managers from Bose in the US are scheduled to visit the plant on Thursday and attend a meeting with SIPTU representatives. At that meeting, we will press them to reconsider the decision to close the plant or at least for an extension of several months on the proposed winding down date of this April."The vast majority of the workforce lives in Monaghan and the closure will have a very significant negative impact on the local economy. There are over 140 people employed at this plant and SIPTU is committed to doing everything possible to protect their interests.”The meeting is one of a number of initiatives aimed at persuading the US based multinational company to re-assess its decision, announced last week, to close the Carrickmacross plant.Yesterday (Monday, 26th January) evening, a large number of Bose workers, local people and politicians attended a meeting in the Nuremore Hotel, Carrickmacross, to discuss the threatened closure. Among those in attendance were Fine Gael Minister of State for the Arts, Heather Humphreys, Sinn Féin TD, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin and Fianna Fail TD, Brendan Smyth.It was unanimously agreed at the meeting that a delegation of TDs would meet with Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, in Leinster House this afternoon (Tuesday, 27th January) to request that he also seek a meeting with Bose senior management to discuss the threatened closure.The company has been manufacturing audio systems in Monaghan since 1978.