SIPTU representatives will meet with the management of Lakeland Dairies to discuss the dairy processor’s announcement this week of the proposed closure of its milk processing plants in Monaghan Town and in Lough Egish, Co. Monaghan. The company announced its intention to close its milk drying facility in Lough Egish in June 2024 and its liquid milk processing plant in Monaghan Town in the first quarter of 2025. Denis Gormalley, SIPTU Agriculture, Ingredients, Food and Drink (AIFD) Sector Organiser, said: "The threat to jobs posed by this announcement has left the workers and their families in a state of shock. "The company has cited the creation of further processing efficiencies and the evolving environmental realities and regulatory direction in milk supply as the driving force for the proposed closure of these long-established dairy manufacturing facilities."When we meet the company, we intend to examine and interrogate this rationale as we explore all possible alternatives." Lidia Cichocka, SIPTU Industrial Organiser, said: "Our members employed at the plants are facing an uncertain future. They were devastated when they were informed of the proposed closures."We will leave no stone unturned in our quest to save as many jobs as possible in our engagement with the company management."