SIPTU representatives have accepted a request to meet with senior management in Dublin City Council this afternoon (Monday, 13th February) to discuss a dispute which has resulted in the commencement of a ballot for strike action by members in the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) SIPTU Sector Organiser, Brendan O’Brien, said: “The ballot is expected to be completed within the week. It results from a refusal of senior management in Dublin City Council to adequately resource the work of the Dublin Fire Brigade Emergency Medical Service so that it can provide the necessary emergency cover for the residents of Dublin. “Our members hope that the meeting today may indicate a change in attitude by senior management in Dublin City Council and are hopeful that it will be a constructive engagement.” SIPTU Public Administration and Community Division Organiser, John King, said: “The issues in this dispute emerged following the decision of senior management in Dublin City Council to walk away from a tripartite ambulance forum which had held meetings for nearly two years and was close to agreement on the future of emergency medical services in Dublin. “It is hoped that the meeting today will result in a process of engagement that will lead to an agreed solution to the issues currently impeding the provision of ambulance services in the city.”
SIPTU to meet with Dublin City Council to discuss Dublin Fire Brigade dispute
Feb 13, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017