SIPTU representatives will tomorrow (Thursday, 23rd March) meet with the other trade unions involved in the Bus Éireann dispute to establish a common strategy and response to the latest demands by management for changes to conditions of employment at the company. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Willie Noone: “The correspondence from management, which was sent to our members this afternoon (Wednesday, 22nd March) clearly targets certain categories of staff for cuts. This is being done while senior management, who played a huge role in creating the company’s current financial predicament, remain immune to making any contribution. “It appears that the company is now committed to driving down the conditions of employment of workers, eliminating secure employment and furthering the race to the bottom for rural public transport.” He added: “Another issue is the constant moving of the goal posts by management. In recent correspondence it was calling for the introduction of 55 cost saving measures. In its letter today it is seeking 46 changes. Similarly, the amount of the funding shortfall it is claimed the company has experienced is constantly changing. “It is clear that management has not got the message that the workers in Bus Éireann will not continue to subsidise its mismanagement and failed public transport policies.”
SIPTU to meet with other Bus Éireann unions to discuss latest management threats
Mar 22, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017