SIPTU has warned the HSE that its plans to outsource the operation of a new State-owned facility providing community and step-down beds on the site of the former Mount Carmel private hospital in south Dublin will breach the Haddington Road agreement. The HSE has announced it intends that a private operator will run the new community facility on a contract basis. SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said the union condemned the HSE’s “unilateral decision” to provide support services through a third-party and would “confront this decision”.He added: “We intend to confront this decision and industrial action is not ruled out. I have already put the HSE on notice last week in a formal letter to Corporate Employee Relations of our members’ deep concern in this regard.”Bell also referred to the “zealousness of certain interests” to outsource as many members’ jobs as possible. He said the attitude was not acceptable after the Government confirmed the staff recruitment embargo has been lifted.The issue will be discussed at a meeting of the health service oversight body for the Haddington Road agreement on Friday (20th March).