SIPTU has welcomed a ruling by the European Court of Justice, today (Thursday, 14th September), which is a significant victory for Ryanair workers and a defeat for that company’s attempt to undermine its employees’ rights. SIPTU TEAC Division Organiser, Greg Ennis, said: “This ECJ ruling is a significant milestone in the journey to achieving better terms and conditions for all Ryanair employees right across Europe. The ruling establishes the rights of mobile aviation workers to have their grievances heard under the laws of the country from which they work. It determines that an employee can address their work related issues at a Court which they regard as closest to them. “This is a vital step for those who need, in particular, to seek redress in matters relating to individual contracts of employment. It does away with what has been the attempt by the management of Ryanair to use a flag of convenience approach to undermine workers’ rights.” SIPTU Aviation Sector Organiser, Neil McGowan, said: “This ruling is the result of the great effort of the workers involved and their trade unions, who stood up and fought for workers’ rights in this matter. It is an important victory in the fight against social dumping in aviation.” He added: “Our members wish to express their support and solidarity to the CNE trade union from Belgium for delivering this ground-breaking court case. This victory will prove to be of immense benefit in the years ahead as SIPTU fights alongside other International Transport Workers’ Federation and European Transport Workers’ Federation affiliated unions for fair and reasonable treatment for all aviation workers across Europe.”
SIPTU welcomes European Court of Justice ruling in favour of Ryanair workers
Sep 14, 2017 | Archives, PressArchive, PressArchive2017