SIPTU has stated that it will not sign up to a new public service agreement if it involves compulsory redundancies. SIPTU Vice President, Patricia King, said: “Opposition to compulsory redundancies is a fundamental trade union position in both the public and private sectors.Trade unions exist to represent the best interests of their members; recommending that they are sacked is not in their best interests.”King made the comments on the second day of talks between public sector management and trade unions on a possible extension of the Croke Park AgreementSIPTU and other unions have said that a deal would not be possible on the basis of the package of proposals tabled by public service management at the opening of talks on Monday (14th January). These proposals included discussion of “exit mechanisms,” which is believed to mean compulsory redundancies in certain situations.Unions have also outlined measures that need to be satisfactorily addressed in the negotiations. These include an adjustment to the pension levy to exempt more earnings, measures to ensure the elimination of the two-tier workforce and curtailing outsourcing.