SIPTU representatives have stated that they will oppose any attempt to enforce compulsory redundancies on staff in RTÉ following the emergence of a plan to impose 200 job cuts at the national broadcaster. SIPTU Services Division Organiser, Karan O Loughlin, said: “SIPTU will oppose any attempt to enforce compulsory redundancies on staff in RTE. A plan for cutbacks at the national broadcaster, which was disgracefully leaked to the media yesterday (Wednesday, 6th November), reveals plans to cut 200 jobs.“The plan envisages that these job cuts will be achieved on a voluntary basis. However, there have already been several rounds of voluntary redundancies at the station, the last one of which was not fully subscribed. It is unclear to our members how 200 voluntary redundancies can be achieved.“These workers have been through several rounds of rationalisation at the station. They have taken the pain to assist in ensuring the survival of the crucial services which are provided by RTÉ and the thanks they have received is to be faced with an ultimatum concerning job cuts.”She added: “What has made this situation even worse is the way this plan was exposed. Only senior management at RTÉ had access to this plan yet it was leaked to the media. This was extremely disrespectful to the loyal staff at the station.“How and why this leak occurred is a matter that RTÉ Director General Dee Forbes must investigate and action must be taken against the culprit to deal with this extreme breach of trust.”SIPTU and its affiliate unions, Equity Ireland and the Musicians Union of Ireland, represent approximately 1,200 RTÉ staff members.